Colored Pencil and Soft Pastel
Alan Yeargan, 2024
Someone I loved very much was killed in such a tragic way, and I was right there with her experiencing the most complex emotions possible. This painting represents my entire world being destroyed in every aspect and element. Earth, fire, water, and wind. All of it. My grounded attitude and every form of structure in my life has been completely obliterated. My fiery love for humanity is still hanging on. The water represents my path through life and my thoughts are the wind, constantly changing directions.
All structure in my life had been completely erased. Life, as I knew it previously, was over.
This work represents the erasure of my old world. Now, I have the opportunity to build a new one. I've use everything i've learned in art to guide me through my suffering and this piece means more than anything to me. I get to practice art in a new way, with a new mindset, and I have so much to tell the world.
(NFS – Unless You're Michelangelo Reincarnated With a Blank Check or a Black Credit Card.)
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